In Kragujevac, on April 20, 2017, the announcement of the project “Centers for the Roma Community: Local Support to Roma Inclusion in Serbia” was held, which represents an introductory activity of informing the wider local community about available support services to local communities within the mentioned project. Participants were presented with program teams from three partner organizations: URBO in Požarevac, Roma Students Association from Novi Sad and Roma Educational and Cultural Association “Romanipen”from Kragujevac.
The program teams are experts in providing psycho-social and legal support as well as social mediation in terms of cooperation with the Roma community, which represents a service that will be available to the users in the future.
Local Project Coordinator Emina Nikolić presented the goals and planned activities within the project that is being implemented in partnership with the Serbian Roma Forum with the support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ).